Change & Growth

“Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes”

— Hugh Prather

Have you recently experienced a change? Do you find yourself in unfamiliar territory?

If so, you are not alone. Some of the more common changes and challenges in life include:

  • Serious illness, injury, or disability

  • Change in identity | Personal growth

  • End of a relationship

  • Change in employment | Retirement

  • Relocation

  • Empty Nest

  • Questioning the meaning of life, your faith or spirituality

Types of Life Transitions

A life transition is any change or adjustment that impacts your life in a significant way. Transitions can involve exciting changes, distressing ones, or major life changes, and milestones. The change may be small and incremental or big enough to cause seismic shifts. Some changes are anticipated and planned while others come out of the blue.

  • Anticipated Transitions. Some transitions are predictable, expected and generally thought of as aligned with natural order and development. Anticipated transitions include graduation, marriage, having children, entering the workforce, and retirement.

  • Unanticipated Transitions. In life, things happen that are not expected and not part of your life plan. Examples include divorce or the sudden loss of a job. Unanticipated transitions can come with a variety of emotions and challenges.

  • Non-Events. Sometimes an anticipated transition fails to materialize in the way we planned. An example may be an adult child returning to his/her parents’ home for financial reasons. Covid-19 postponed anticipated life transitions and gave rise to a re-imagining / restructuring of life goals & expectations for many.

Life transitions - planned, unplanned, big, small, delayed or re-imagined - often provide an opportunity for growth, learning, re-evaluation of your personal goals, and realignment with your core values.


Change - even those for the better - can come with a loss of family, friends, and community. Both planned and unplanned transitions may impact relationships, roles, relationships, and beliefs about self. You may miss your “old self” or “old life”. It is common to feel sad, anxious, abandoned, or estranged following a significant life change.

If you are experiencing difficulty or stress as a result of life changes, counseling may be helpful. As you talk through your challenges, new awareness and insight may emerge. You may learn to trust your own instincts, inner wisdom, and judgment more. You may find renewed strength, resilience, acceptance, creative solutions, and resourcefulness. I am here to help you process your thoughts and feelings as you navigate your changing world.

All services are offered on-line. No in-person services are available