My loved one’s brain injury has changed me.

How has your loved one’s brain injury changed you?

Families face many, many changes following a brain injury. The changes can be significant and dramatic. Your loved one’s brain injury can greatly impact and even shatter your assumptive world. Sometimes, the changes ignite a need for family members to re-calibrate their worldview and sense of self.

Your answers to the following open-ended questions is one way to get a sense of how much your loved one’s brain injury has impacted your life (Klonoff, 2014):

·         Since my loved one’s brain injury, my sense of who I am…

·         Since my loved one’s injury, I feel….

·         Since my loved one’s brain injury, the way I see myself…

·         Since my loved one’s brain injury, my role in life…

·         Since my loved one’s brain injury, my sense of purpose…

·         Since my loved one’s brain injury, when I think about work…

·         Since my loved one’s brain injury, the things that are important to me…

·         Since my loved one’s brain injury, my emotions…

·         Compared to before my loved one’s brain injury, I get upset…

·         Compared to before my loved one’s brain injury, I worry…

·         Compared to before my loved one’s brain injury, I get angry…

·         Since my loved one’s brain injury, my ability to deal with problems…

·         Since my loved one’s brain injury, my ability to cope with stress…



Klonoff, P. (2014). Psychotherapy for Families after Brain Injury. Springer.

Emily Watson, LMFT

Emily Watson Counseling


Severe Brain Injury and Family Experiences


Brain Injury and Family Grief